Biography: Roger I. Relfe, ChFC

Having been in the financial services industry for over 30 years, I have had the opportunity to help many clients achieve their financial objectives. In the course of working with families with children at all stages of their financial life-cycle, it became clear that almost all of them had severely underestimated the cost of college for their children. As a result, I have experienced the heartache, stress, and anxiety that families experience when faced with this task of navigating not only the college planning process but also figuring out how to pay for it.

As a result of these experiences, combined with the ever increasing expense of providing a college education to children, I made the decision that my knowledge could best serve families in the area of helping them understand and navigate through the college planning process.

The four important promises we make to our families with students getting ready to go to college are:

  1. Help package their student to get them accepted to a number of universities that are right for the student.
  2. To show the families how to pay the least amount towards their chosen college.
  3. To show them the most efficient use of their resources to pay their share of the college expense.
  4. Lastly, to do all of the first three while protecting the parent’s future financial security in retirement.  And, per the videos here, both college funding, your retirement plans and life events are inextricably combined.

These are worthwhile objectives for every family with students and can make a significant impact on their overall financial health. We enjoy helping families through this process and look forward to working with many more families over the years ahead. Come join me in a successful road to achieving your children’s desires and keeping you on track for your goals.

Roger has been married to Susan for 33 years and they have enjoyed the experience of helping a child through Big Brothers Big Sisters to becoming an accomplished IT professional with a degree. They also work with their church in helping children; a food pantry; mission work out of State; rebuilding a local Retirement Community and Nursing Home and traveling, amongst many other activities.  All of this is possible through sensible planning.

Contact us to set up a visit via phone or Facebook message. Learn valuable information to put a plan in place for your future.